Central Asia consists of five former Soviet republics that became independent countries in 1991. It is made up of numerous Muslim ethnic groups speaking various Turkic and Persian languages. But Russian is still the first language of the majority of the two hundred million people living there. We are planning to work with students at a number of universities in one of the major cities. We will be testing the viability of a long-term plan to reach the young, upcoming leaders of the many unreached people groups in this strategic area.


  • Softening of hearts to Jesus

  • Eyes and ears open to receive the truth of the gospel

  • Submission of their lives to Christ

  • Message of the Good News clearly understood

  • God to be seen as loving and relational

  • Encouragement for the believers and church in Central Asia

  • God to prepare all of us in His word and in sharing the gospel

  • God to give us boldness and confidence during the trip

  • Unity in Christ as we reach out to those in Central Asia

  • Good health as we travel

  • Protection from harm and the evil one

Meet the Team

  • R&M

    R&M are embarking on their fifth missionary journey, this time to a country in Central Asia. With their good friends, R&A - who themselves are from that country and are Muslim-background believers - they are hoping to establish an English language center in the capital city. Lord willing, this will prove to be an effective platform for evangelism and discipleship. This fall, some young adults from SW will join them for an academic semester to test the waters for a future long-term student ministry there.


  • Ben

    Hello my name is Ben Gavlik and I am 22 years old. I just recently got out of the Navy where I was working on an aircraft carrier as a nuclear mechanic. This last November I moved up to Beaverton for a new job, and started at SWBIBLE. I am so blessed by the Lord that I have been given an opportunity to go serve Him through missions overseas. Please pray for me and our team that He would strengthen us and allow us to do all things in His will. Thank you!


  • Chuka

    My name is Chuka. Throughout my life, numerous people have planted seeds in me about who Jesus is, and why I should accept Him into my life. It wasn’t until about two years ago that I finally accepted Jesus into my life. In the midst of my worldly pursuits, God revealed to me that only He could fulfill the void in my heart. I express immense gratitude daily for the relationship I have with the Lord and for the sin He saved me from. I am excited about this opportunity in Central Asia because I truly believe God has opened a door for me to do His work. He has called me to be a part of an amazing team, and I am eager to see how He will use us to accomplish His will.


  • "M"

    Hi! I'm a native Oregonian and proud auntie of 6. I live with 3 roommates who also attend SWBIBLE. They are a lot of fun and living with them has been a very special time I will always value! I love spending time with my family in Hood River, making lots of good food and taking walks up the orchard. I also enjoy going on trips with my friends, writing music and occasionally arranging flowers for weddings.

    I currently am a caretaker of two of my nieces and my 98 year old grandma which is a full circle experience to say the least. Watching them has taught me a lot. It is an honor to be able to serve my family especially when they have done so much for me. I also serve on the worship team and occasionally with the youth and 1824 ministries.

    I graduated from Portland State where I studied International Studies with a Russian minor. I have been blessed with the opportunities to serve overseas in the Philippines, China and more extensively in another Central Asian country which is what inspired me originally to study Russian.

    I am looking forward to going back to Central Asia for many reasons, but I am most excited about partnering with the local team in furthering this very young ministry. God is so gracious to allow me this opportunity to go back to this region he put on my heart a decade ago. I am so excited to share this trip with my teammates as well as all of you who are supporting us. Thank you!

    While making Jesus known is just as important in Beaverton as it is in Central Asia, my prayer is that God will use this team, our testimonies, and our individual gifts to spread the good news to this part of the world. I am beyond thankful that God has allowed me this opportunity to go and serve Him.


  • Zach

    Hello! My name is Zach Cook. I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and am a big fan of the natural beauty it has to offer, as well as the abundant coffee! In my free time you’ll probably find me outdoors exploring with friends. I love trying new things and new places which brought me to Washington for a year and then the East Coast before returning to the Beaverton area, where God has been growing me in so many ways through his Word and SW Bible Church.

    I love sharing the Gospel and have enjoyed serving the Middle School and Young Adults groups at SW Bible.

    My plan is to serve God overseas, and I am excited to be a part the team going to Central Asia in August.

    I’m really looking forward to serving and encouraging God’s church around the world on this trip to Central Asia, and I am praying that God is glorified through it!


  • Madi

    Hi! I’m Madi. I graduated from George Fox university in 2022 with a Bachelors in art. After graduating I was surprised to feel called to spread the gospel globally for God. I had never been very open about my faith, but I felt the Lord pushing me to grow. I started with the people I knew here in Oregon. I helped with the high school youth group here at SWBIBLE and loved it. I also tried to be more open with my coworkers and have conversations with nonbelievers.

    The Lord didn’t provide an opportunity to leave right away, but once the Central Asia trip came to my attention, I realized it was what God was leading me to. I had never been so far from home or for so long. It felt like a big commitment, but God had prepared my heart to be ready.

    I was able to go to Central Asia on the 2023-24 trip with an amazing team. I learned so much about sharing my faith, working with a godly team, and about the Bible itself. It was such an encouragement to be able to meet with people and really focus on talking about Jesus! I was guided by the team leaders Rod and Margi and sharpened by my peers through those 9 months. But probably the most amazing blessing was seeing people come to Christ as well as being there to encourage the growth in new believers.

    But my work there is not done yet! I’m so happy that the Lord has called me to represent Him another year in Central Asia. I am excited to see my friends again and see even more wild grace and blessing from the Lord.