Use the browser on your smart phone or computer to give online. You can also download the Church Center app on your Apple or Android device.
Give in person via cash or check using the secure dropbox locations in the church lobby. Ask a greeter in a red lanyard or at the church office for assistance.
Bank Bill Pay
Use your bank’s bill pay tool to designate checks to SWBIBLE. This method frees SWBIBLE from any merchant fees. Check with your local bank to learn how to set up this donation option. Recurring transactions may be scheduled and designations can be assigned through the memo system the bank provides.
Common Questions About Electronic Giving
A: Yes, you can make multiple donations in a single transaction allowing you to specify portions of your donation to different funds here
A: When using our online giving tool, you can make multiple donations in a single transaction allowing you to specify a gift for each global worker you support.
A: When using your bank bill pay tool, use the transaction memo space to designate the amount for each worker.
A: Only if the online gift is through credit/debit card or bank transfers using our online giving tool. SWBIBLE pays these fees for each transaction. Our giving tool allows you to cover these fees. Consider using your bank’s bill pay feature when making large gifts.

While donations are not our focus, we do spend a minute or two once a month during morning services to review truths from the Bible about giving.